Thursday, May 26, 2016

This Is What Will Happen When You Eat Breakfast After An Hour Of Waking

Eating breakfast within an hour of waking seems to be common sense, but some of us might do it after a commute to the office or even after arriving at the office.  Or we may be part of the 10-30% of people who skip breakfast entirely.

We all have our excuses why we don’t eat breakfast immediately after waking.  We may be pressed for time or we’re just not hungry.  But the benefits of eating breakfast within the first hour of waking are really great. If you can do so, every day it’d be a productive and happy one.

When you eat within one hour of waking your blood sugar and insulin levels become regulated and you kick-start your metabolism.

If you’re looking to lose weight or even maintain your weight eating breakfast within the first hour allows the body to immediately regulate insulin and blood sugar levels and kick-start your metabolism. When your blood sugar and insulin levels are regulated the body has the necessary energy resources to power you throughout your day.
When you sleep your metabolism naturally slows down because your body has fewer requirements. By eating breakfast within the first hour of waking you give your metabolism a jump start by initiating thermogenesis (the metabolic process of digesting and transporting food). To keep your metabolism running at full capacity you must eat frequent meals, beginning with eating breakfast within the first hour of waking.

Studies have found eating within one hour of waking improves your mood and cognition for the day.

Some research suggests eating within an hour of waking improves your mood by feeding your brain immediately.  Thus in turn, allows for improved clarity, memory and cognitive ability.

Think of skipping breakfast as running a car low on gas.  The car is low on energy and it doesn’t perform efficiently.  Food is fuel for your body. By fueling your body within an hour of waking it prevents you from feeling tired and irritable throughout your day.

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