Sunday, March 27, 2016

Chocolate Soup

A special recipe and very easy for the days when we want something special


400g croissant
150g butter, melted
100g brown sugar
1 tablespoon cinnamon
500ml milk
500ml cream beating
400g of dark chocolate
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1 tablespoon kako
2 egg yolks


Croissant and expect to get 2-3 cm cubes. Put in a bowl with melted butter and then tie them up in a bowl with sugar and cinnamon.

Turn on the oven to 180C. Put in a container croissant baking and for 6-8 minutes.

Learning milk and cream in a saucepan beating until shortly before boiling. chocolate in a pot with milk and cream for beating and mix it until it melts.

Mix the cacao, starch and egg yolks with a little cold milk until it becomes paste. Enter the pastry in this warm soup and mix it until it thickens.

Enjoy your meal!

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